the South Danvers Wizard
Jan.- July 1864
South Danvers (Peabody), Massachusetts
South Danvers Wizard, 1/27/1864,
p. 2/7
�We were this morning delighted with the operation of a new invention
for the Ladies � �Mrs. Campbell�s Skirt Lifter�. This is really the
most ingenious, and yet simple contrivance to keep Ladies� dresses from
the mud that we have ever seen. By simply pulling a cord, made to
come out at the opening of the dress, the skirt will rise in a moment,
all around alike to any desired height, and hang there in the most graceful
festoons imaginable. This is something, we think, by the appearance
of the soiled and torn dresses which we daily see in the streets, long
required. Messrs. Browning and Long have secured the sole right to
selling them in Salem. No lady should be without one.� Reprinted
from the Salem Observer.
South Danvers Wizard, 6/1/1864, p. 2/4
THE SALEM LEG COMPANY � �This company is, we understand, regularly
organized and in possession of all the patents of the inventor. Arrangements
are on foot to furnish well constructed and useful artificial limbs to
those who have been unfortunately deprived of their natural ones, and they
are of such close imitation of nature that the lookers-on can hardly detect
the cheat.
This happy invention has done for locomotion
what dentistry has effected for mastication. In both cases, it is
one part of wisdom to �get the best�. So marked is the superiority of the
�Salem Leg� over all other inventions, that the company can have no lack
of orders, especially from those who have suffered amputation in the army,
as this invention has the sanction and recommendation of the government,
which pays the expense of furnishing the limbs.� |