January 6 – June 29, 1864 - Part VI
About the South Danvers Wizard

Overview:  Jan. - July 1864

 About South Danvers (Peabody), Massachusetts


South Danvers Wizard, 3/9/1864, p. 2/3
TOWN MEETING – “Our annual town meeting occurred last Monday. Lewis Allen acted as Moderator and Nathan A. Poor, was chosen Town Clerk.  The old board of Selectmen was chosen.  Indeed there was no contest for any of the officers except for Trustees of the Peabody Institute , the ballot from whom resulted as follows: A. A. Abbot had 98 votes; Robert S. Daniels had 88 votes; Mayhew S. Clark had 92 votes and Alexander B. Merrill had 92 votes. 
     Mr. Abbott, only, being elected, leaving one vacancy to be filled at the next meeting.  Most of the important business was postponed to the adjourned meeting.
 An interesting debate occurred upon a motion to authorize the School Committee to employ teachers , instead of the Prudential Committee.  Messrs. Phillips and Stimpson favored the motion, Messrs. Jonathan and James P. King, Proctor and Bancroft opposed it.  The most was finally lost by a decisive vote. 
    The project of procuring a Steam Fire Engine was referred to a special committee of five to report at the adjournment.  A list of By-Laws on Truancy was reported by Mr. Stimpson and adopted by the town.  These, however, must be approved by the Superior Court before they become law.  Five truant officers were chosen. 
     Further time was allowed the Committee on a new burial ground, as they were not ready to report.  The drainage of Lowell Street came up, as a matter of course, but was finally referred to the Selectmen.  The meeting finally adjourned to the third Monday current.
 The following is the list of officers chosen:
 Selectmen and Assessors – Joseph Poor, A. W. Bancroft, Dana Woodbury
 Collector – William Wolcott
 Treasurer – Francis Baker
 Overseers of the Poor – Wingate Merrill, James P. King, Alerson Galeucia
 Trustees of the Peabody Institute – A. A. Abbott. One vacancy.
 School Committee – Fitch Poole, 3 years; C. Edwin Barrows, 3 years; Oscar F. Safford, 2 years; Jonathan King, 2 years (declined).
 Fence Viewers –Augustus H. Sanger, Abraham C. Osborn, John G. Walcott, William H. Little, Benjamin Harrington.
 Constables: M. A. Shackley, Stephen Upton, D. N. Stoddard, Charles Barker, Franklin Tyler, Bowman Viles, W. S. Osborne, D. S. Littlefield, James B. Newhall, W. H. Pingree, John Perkins, John H. Tibbets.
 Surveyors of Lumber: Mayhew S. Clark, Benj. M. Hills, Jas. B. Foster
 Field Drivers: Isaac B. Cowdrey, Horatio Bodge, John Bagley, Jas. B. Newhall, John O. Walcott; Chas. Barker, Bowman Viles, John Mansfield
 Pound Keepers John Bagley, Benj. Taylor, John Needham
 Truant Officers: Aaron F. Clark, M. A. Shackley, Isaac Hardy, W. S. Osborn, James B. Newhall