Martha Osborne
Barrett's Diary
New Year's Eve, "attended a lyceum lecture by Mr. Braman, a regionally
renowned Congregational minister, and dismissed his message about women's place:
'Quite good. But
I don't see so much to admire in him as many do. His subject was woman...
He lauded woman highly but she must be in her sphere, and all that." (A Very
Social Time, p. 146)
Martha Osborne
Barrett's Diary
March 10, 1850 – Commenced teaching school last Monday – the Salem
School in Rock Village…
The Woman's Sphere,
Lady's Book, March 1850
Letter to
Moses Cartland, Walnut Grove, Lee, New Hampshire from Martha Osborne
Barrett, Danvers, October 16th, 1850 - Dear Moses….John
Rowell called on me yesterday, with Hattie. But I out so he came again
this morning with Eben King stopped but a very few minutes, as he was in a hurry
to take the cars...was intending to stop a short time in Worcester to attend
convention there – by-the-way, what think you of the Women’s Rights Convention
and the cause itself. I like it. I am glad woman is making up “who
would be free, t/??? must strike the blow. And I am afraid woman would
have few ….which for her. If she did not take the cause into our
hands but I can’t stop to talk abut it now. Essex Co. Teachers Association
meets here tomorrow and anticipate quite a pleasant time. Wish you could
attend it. We generally have good meetings and good speaking. …