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Hannah Goodale King


Letter dated Danvers, March 1849 from Hannah Goodale King  to her son, Eben King, at Walnut Grove Academy  in Lee, New Hampshire …the neighbours are well as usual as far as I know except Mr. Ferren. He is quite unwell and lame.  He don’t seem to gain much yet I hear he is better. (King Family Papers - EIHC)

April 29, 1849 - Letter to Eben King, Walnut Grove, Lee, New Hampshire from his brother, S.W. King, Danvers, Massachusetts
Dear Brother –  ....Jesse Ferrin has first come to Henry’s, he was brought out from Boston   I have not seen him but Mr. Williams who brought him says he is quite lame in his ankle, which he had injured.  I do not know how.   He seems to live a very unhappy life – dwells on his troubles and thus makes his brothers and sisters unhappy too. 

Danvers, December 20, 1849 - Dear Son, my time has been so much taken up of late that I have not had an opportunity of writing to you and now it is almost 9 o’clock.  We had Mr. Parmentor and Mr. Emery here to tea.  They staid till about 7 o’clock since they left Dr. Lord and John Peabody came in and spent an hour with us.  I have been to meeting this afternoon and called at Mr. Berry's as we came home saw the little boy he has a little of a sore mouth he looks pretty well and weighs 10 pounds.  James has a bad cold and cough but I think he will soon be better.  Mr. Ferren has had another attack of disenterry and sore mouth but he seems to be getting better.  The new house [Henry and Asenath King} is almost done they are painting the inside the wood work is graining and the wall is light green I mean in the kitchen I think they will not paper much this winter.  I believe James has a hundred barrels of onions now in the cellar they said it seems quite homeish.  I think they will move next month.  Michael has got him a place up in Middletown at the depot at $9 per month to saw wood and keep the water from freezing....




Hannah Goodale King