Letter dated Danvers, March 1849 from Hannah Goodale King
to her son, Eben King, at Walnut Grove Academy in Lee, New
…the neighbours are well as usual as far as I know except
Mr. Ferren. He is quite unwell and lame. He don’t seem to gain
much yet I hear he is better. (King Family Papers - EIHC)
April 29,
1849 - Letter to Eben King, Walnut Grove, Lee, New Hampshire from his brother,
S.W. King, Danvers, Massachusetts
Dear Brother – ....Jesse Ferrin has first come to Henry’s, he was brought
out from Boston I have not seen him but Mr. Williams who brought him
says he is quite lame in his ankle, which he had injured. I do not know
how. He seems to live a very unhappy life – dwells on his troubles
and thus makes his brothers and sisters unhappy too.
Danvers, December 20, 1849 - Dear Son, my time has been so much taken up of
late that I have not had an opportunity of writing to you and now it is almost 9
o’clock. We had Mr. Parmentor and Mr. Emery here to tea. They staid
till about 7 o’clock since they left Dr. Lord and John Peabody came in and spent
an hour with us. I have been to meeting this afternoon and called at Mr.
Berry's as we came home saw the little boy he has a little of a sore mouth he
looks pretty well and weighs 10 pounds. James has a bad cold and cough but
I think he will soon be better. Mr. Ferren has had another attack of
disenterry and sore mouth but he seems to be getting better. The new house
[Henry and Asenath King} is almost done they are painting the inside the wood
work is graining and the wall is light green I mean in the kitchen I think they
will not paper much this winter. I believe James has a hundred barrels of
onions now in the cellar they said it seems quite homeish. I think they
will move next month. Michael has got him a place up in Middletown at the
depot at $9 per month to saw wood and keep the water from freezing....