Daybook of Eben King,
Son of Eben
King and Betsey
January 24, 1848 - A pleasant
healthy Winter day. Tim went to Beverly this forenoon
with timber this afternoon went up and loaded another
load. Spent the evening at neighbor Page’s.
Was called
out by J. C. Ferrin. He came after a sofa that Father
(Capt. Daniel King)bought his wife (Mary Upton Ferrin) at $35. I delivered it to him.
James P. King bought the Taylor Meadow and wood lot, my
part of at $237.00
January 28, 1848 - A very warm mucky day. Went to Salem
this forenoon paid O. Pope bill of $1.00 for shaving.
J. C. Ferrin’s store shut up yesterday and today heard
he was going to Boston to keep a Publick House with Dr.
Patten. Dr. Shed made out a deed for me to J.P. King of
the Taylor Meadow. Tim cut birches on the Shaw lot this
Sunday, January 30, 1848 - Mr. Fisher Universal
Minister is Salem speaker at meeting. A very mild
pleasant day but quite muddy. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman and
Mary Ferrin here this afternoon. Lucy returned today.
February 11, 1848 - A very cold and blustering morning,
mercury stands at zero.
Went up to be Mr. Boardman’s
this afternoon with Mrs. (Mary Ann) Long and Mrs. Ferrin.
Had a very pleasant visit.