Education: A Debt Due from Present to Future Generations"- George Peabody, 1852P
The primary local history resources lent to this project are fragile and must be handled with respect.
Courtesy of the Peabody Public Schools:
School Committee Records: 1900-1972
Rules for using School Committee Records - Wear plastic gloves that have been provided for you. When using these records, no ink pens are allowed; pencils have been provided.
Courtesy of S.M. Smoller:
Index to the Wizard Part I
Index to the South Danvers Wizard, Part II
Index to the South Danvers Wizard, Part III
Index to the South Danvers Wizard, Part IV
History of Freemasonry in Danvers
The History of the Town of Danvers, Hanson
Chronicles of Danvers, Tapley
Mary Upton Ferrin: Earliest Massachusetts Pioneer of Woman Suffrage, Smoller
"Mr. P - Newspaper Accounts of George Peabody and His Hometown", manuscript, Smoller
Courtesy of the Peabody Institute:
The Peabody Story, Wells
for use at the library: Ladies and Gentleman Always, Zollo
Peabody Historical Society, 35 Washington Street, Peabody 531-0805 - Barbara Doucette , Ann Birkner
The Society has materials relating to the history of the schools, as well as information about families who settled the area. In addition, they have a scrapbook collection featuring an index and articles from the Salem Evening news that were published in the nineteenth century.
The Peabody Historical Society’s Ruth Hill Library is open on Tuesday evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The library is on the second floor of the Gideon Foster House at 35 Washington Street.
In addition, the Historical Society has agreed to open the library for our school history project on the following Wednesdays: February 4, 3 p.m.; February 25, 7 p.m.; March 11, 3 p.m. S.M. Smoller will be at the Historical Society at these times to assist your research.
Peabody Institute Library, 82 Main Street, Peabody 531-0100 - Helena Minton, Reference librarian
In addition to several book on the city’s history, the Institute has an extensive local newspaper collection on microfilm, including: The South Danvers Wizard, The Peabody Press and the Peabody Times. There are several microfilm viewing machines and there are two microfilm machines that are capable of xeroxing at a cost of 25 cents per page.
The regular hours of the Peabody Institute are: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
S.M. Smoller will be at the Library to assist with research at 10 a.m. on the following Saturdays: February 7, February 28, and March 7.